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Property Inquiry Requests

Please complete a property inquiry request form in full for each separate property for which you would like information. Forms that are not fully completed and/or not accompanied by the required fee will be returned unanswered. A minimum of 2-3 weeks is required for processing.

Please note: If your request relates to the purchase or sale of a property, please complete the Move Request Form to inform the Tax and Water departments of your closing date and upcoming ownership change.

Any questions can be submitted to

1. Tax/Water Certificate is a statement regarding outstanding balance on a water/wastewater account, as well as existing tax arrears, current year taxes, current local improvement charges, and any pending local improvements.

2. Tax Certificate is issued only in the case of a mortgage renewal or for properties without water. It is a statement of existing tax arrears, current year taxes, current local improvement charges, and any pending local improvements.

3. Utility Certificate (for Georgian Bluffs and Meaford properties only) is a statement regarding the current balance on a water/wastewater account. Current and past due billing amounts are noted; however, Final Bill amounts are not.

4. Work Order Check (By-law Enforcement) is a statement regarding status of current and current outstanding work orders or known violations applying to the subject lands issued by the City's By-law Enforcement Officer pursuant to the Ontario Building Code, and the Property Standards, Weed, Zoning, Sign, or Swimming Pool Fencing By-laws.

5. Agreement Release is a request to the City Clerk for issuance of an agreement release by the City upon satisfactory completion of the terms of the agreement by the parties to the agreement.

6. Certificate of Compliance/Final Completion - Development is a request to the City Clerk for a certificate respecting the completion of a Development/Site Plan Control Agreement, Servicing Agreement and/or Subdivision Agreement.

7. Lot Release is a request to the City Clerk for issuance by the City of a standard lot release from an agreement upon satisfactory completion of the terms of the agreement by the parties to the agreement.

8. Security Reduction/Return is a request to the City for a reduction or return of securities respecting Development/Site Plan Control Agreements.

9. Heritage Registry Notice – The City and others through the office of the Minister have authority under the Ontario Heritage Act to issue a notice of intention to designate under the provisions of this legislation. Such a designation could impact on development opportunities. You are advised to review the provisions of this legislation, Provincial Policy and heritage policies in the City’s Official Plan. The legislation requires the City keep a registry of properties considered to be of cultural heritage value. This registry does not identify all properties of potential cultural heritage value or all properties that might be considered for designation. The registry is available online at or can be reviewed in person at Planning Division offices. 

10. Permit/Work Order Status (Building Div.) is a statement regarding status of current building permits and current outstanding work orders or known violations applying to the subject lands issued by the City's Chief Building Official.

11. Current Planning/Zoning Information - By-law 2010-078 is a statement regarding the current official plan designation and zoning category, development agreements, and the Heritage Act. By-law 2010-078 as amended.

12. Historical Planning /Zoning Information – By-Law 1976-100 Planning Staff reviews a survey provided with a request to ascertain compliance with building setback requirements in zoning By-law 1976-100 which was in effect from 1976 to 1985, but full compliance with all zoning requirements cannot be confirmed.

13. Copy of Recent Fire Report/Building Inspection report

14. Fireworks Permit - For special occasions/events

15. Fire Department Inspection is a report based on a field inspection of the property by the Fire Prevention Division to ascertain compliance with Fire Code Requirements.
a. Private home daycare accreditation = $60.00
b. Residential/apartment/condominium/daycare centre = $180.00 + $20 per unit to a maximum total of $400
c. Group home = $180.00
d. Industrial/commercial/office/multi-occupancy <10,000 sq. feet = $180.00 + $110.00 per tenant/occupant
e. Industrial/commercial/office/multi-occupancy >10,000 sq. feet = $290.00 + $110.00 per tenant/occupant
f. Tent equal to or greater than 100 sq. feet = $180.00
g. Fireworks storage site inspection = $125.00

16. Existing Municipal Services Information (Engineering Services) regarding existing municipal services availability. Note: Fees for camera investigation of services shall be an additional cost by Public Works.

17. Procession Release of individual lot from agreement (Engineering/Planning Divisions).

The Municipal Act, 2001, Sec. 352, authorizes the Treasurer to issue Tax Certificates. Generally, these legal documents are meant to be supplied to law firms, banks, and mortgage companies acting for the owner on the purchase or sale of a property, and for refinancing purposes. Certificates give the annual taxes, any current or prior year arrears, and any local improvements billed to the property. There is a fee charged for this certificate. The information is valid only at the moment of production of the certificate and does not anticipate future changes of the amount owing.

Certificates are only generated and printed upon receipt of the fee for same. The current fee is $80. If a copy of the cheque paying for the certificate is emailed to our office at, the requestor can call in thereafter to receive a verbal statement. A verbal is not provided without the ordering of a certificate.

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