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Report a Concern

Certain topics should be brought to the attention of specific offices, including:

If you have a concern about an animal, you are encouraged to contact the Owen Sound Animal Shelter at 519-372-1123. Issues with wild animals should be brought to the attention of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - 1-877-847-4274

More information is available on our Animal Services webpage.

In serious situations, citizens are able to officially register a formal complaint with the City of Owen Sound. These official complaints are tracked and addressed confidentially. If someone wishes to register a formal complaint, they are asked to complete the Formal Complaints form and submit it to the City. You may complete the form online or download the form and submit it in any of the following manners:

  • Mail: 808 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 2H3
  • E-mail:
  • Hand delivery to City Hall

Formal complaints are addressed in accordance with the City's Complaints Process Policy.

If a citizen feels a City employee has breached the Code of Ethics for Municipal Employees, they are able to officially request an inquiry into the employees' actions. This is a serious claim and is tracked and addressed confidentially.

If someone wishes to request an inquiry, they are asked to complete the Request an Inquiry form and submit it to the City. You may complete the form online or download the form and submit it by:

  • Mail: 808 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 2H3
  • E-mail:
  • Hand delivery to City Hall

If an improperly discarded sharp or needle is found on public or private property, please leave it alone and immediately call the appropriate number below:

  • If found on city property (such as parks, trails and sidewalks), call public works at 519-376-4274 between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays or submit an online Report A Concern form and select ‘Sharps/Needles Improperly Discarded’.
  • It is the owner's responsibility to dispose of sharps items found on private property.  For the safest disposal procedures, see the recommendations from Grey Bruce Public Health’s website or the “Be Smart with Sharps” poster below.

Be Smart With Sharps

For information about sharps disposal, please see Grey Bruce Public Health's site here.

A sharps disposal bin is located in Municipal Parking Lot 5, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues East.  One is also located at Grey Bruce Public Health (101 17th St East).

Submitted personal information is protected by to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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