Delegation of Powers & Duties By-law
Emergency Management By-law & Response Plan
Fire and Emergency Services By-law
Fire Services Cost Recovery By-law
Municipal Accommodation Tax By-law
Reward for Damage to City Property
Some Harrison Park Trail & Road Closures
You may be interested in the by-laws and policies below. If you wish to see a by-law or policy not listed on this page you may contact the Clerk's Office for more information.
For questions about enforcement or to file a complaint, please see By-law Enforcement or Report a Concern.
By-laws are the established rules the public, staff or Council must follow.
Administration By-laws (Includes Boards, Committees, Policies, Fees)
Environmental By-laws (Includes Waste, Recycling, Water, Wastewater)
Property, Building, Planning and Zoning By-laws
Council policies include Council positions or goals, service levels, staff duties, or rules for using City properties or services.
Facilities, Parks & Recreation
Ball Diamond Maintenance Standards
Banners at City Recreation Facilities
Campground Booking Refund Policy
Naming and Re-Naming City Parks and Facilities
Playgrounds & Parks Master Plans
Special Occasion Permit - Municipal Significance
Waiving of Rental Fees for Provincial, National and International Events
Parking, Roads & Transportation
Concrete Curb-Face Sidewalk Driveway Entrance Details
Dedicated Spaces for Businesses in Municipal Lots
Downtown Sidewalk Snow Clearing
Parking Permits and Street Parking
Signage on Municipal Road Allowances
Specialized Transit with Application
Street Occupation Permit - Road Closure Notification Procedure
Contact Us
808 2nd Avenue East,
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
Phone: 519-376-1440
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