Feeding wild animals, other than song birds, is not allowed in the City and can do more harm than good:
- Artificial feed is not healthy for wildlife;
- Animals which are fed can become aggressive and/or dependent on artificial food sources;
- Feeding animals near roads increases their risk of being hit by vehicles; and
- Feeding wildlife may attract other unwanted animals to your property.
If you have a wild animal on your property you are concerned about, please visit the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) website to help direct your concerns.
The MNRF lists authorized wildlife rehabilitators in Ontario on their website.
Licensed trappers can be contacted to remove any nuisance wildlife from private property; however, there are rules in the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act on when and where nuisance animals can be moved. The Ontario Fur Managers Federation maintains a list of licensed trappers and they can be contacted at 705-254-3338.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to contact and pay for the licensed trapper to attend; however, there is no obligation for a property owner to have a nuisance animal removed from their property.