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Paying Your Water Bill

Water distribution and wastewater treatment services are funded through user fees; no tax dollars are collected to provide City water services.  

The City of Owen Sound has a number of options available to our customers for payment of your water bill:

  • In person: At City Hall during normal business hours. We accept payment by cheque, cash, or debit.

  • Cheques: Cheques may be dropped in the after-hours drop box located at the front door of City Hall - please include the detachable portion of your bill. We recommend that you place your cheque in a sealed envelope with 'water billing' written upon it. Please do not place cash in the drop box.

  • At your bank or trust company: Pay at the teller or through an ATM. You are responsible to pay any service charges levied by them. Please take the entire bill with you.

  • Internet/telephone banking: Most financial institutions offer the "City of Owen Sound" or "Owen Sound City" as one of their payments. Be sure to pick "Water" and not taxes to ensure that your payment is applied to the correct account.

  • Mail: You may mail your cheque to City Hall - please include the detachable portion of the bill.
    City of Owen Sound - Water Billing Department 
    808 2nd Ave East
    Owen Sound, ON
    N4K 2H4
  • Pre-authorized payment (PAD) plan: Payments are automatically deducted from your bank account on the due date of each bill.

    Set up a pre-authorized debit plan to pay your Water Bill conveniently and efficiently. Payments are automatically deducted from your bank account on the due date of each bill. Residents are provided the convenient option to either:

    Returned payments (i.e. NSF) are subject to a $40.00 charge as well as penalty charges. 

    To be eligible to enroll in any of our PAD plans, there must be no outstanding arrears on your water account.

    Pre-authorized payment Cancellation

    If you would like to end your enrollment in our pre-authorized debit plan for water billing, please return the completed
    Pre-Authorization Cancellation form to us at least 10 days prior to your next due date.

    Banking Information Change

    If you are currently enrolled in our pre-authorized debit plan and wish to update your banking information, 
    Banking information Change Request form must be submitted along with a new void cheque.

Credit card: Payments may be completed through Owen Sound's new Virtual City Hall

    • Virtual City Hall allows you to view and pay your property tax bill online.
    • Payments made through Virtual City Hall are processed by Paymentus. This secure third-party online payment provider accepts Visa, Mastercard and American Express for a processing fee of 2.5% to cover the cost of the transaction. 
    • The City receives only the amount paid towards your roll, the processing fee does not get paid to the City. 
    • The maximum payment is $20,000.00 per transaction. Multiple payments can be made.
    • If you wish to pay an amount that is not the current balance, please select the Multiple Payments Option, so you may enter your chosen amount.
    • Please allow up to two business days for processing.
    • You will receive an e-mail or phone confirmation of payment for online payments.
    • Please note: any previous ratepayers who used Paymentus directly must now login to Virtual City Hall first to complete their payments.
    • Additionally, you may call Paymentus directly to make a payment over the phone at: 1-888-253-8916.
  • Virtual City Hall
    • To activate your Virtual City Hall account, visit:
    • Click [Sign in]
    • Click [Activate your account with us]
    • Input required data, including your username, password and email address
      • Please note that your password must be at least 8 characters, contain uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least 1 number and 1 symbol
      • The email address entered will be tied to your City of Owen Sound tax and utility accounts, including e-billing, if you are enrolled.
    • Click [next]
    • To register, you may utilize your City of Owen Sound property tax, utility or accounts receivable account. You will require information from a recent bill or statement.
      • Tax Account
        • Enter your tax roll number without any dashes, starting after the 4259 and including the final 4 digits (0000)
        • Enter your full name, exactly as it appears on your bill
      • Utility Account
        • Enter the last 8 digits of your account number, including decimals
        • Enter your full name, exactly as it appears on your bill
      • Receivables Account
        • Enter your 9-10 digit alphanumeric customer ID
        • Enter your full name, exactly as it appears on your bill
    • Click [next] to submit your registration
    • You will receive an email to activate your account
    • Return to Virtual City Hall and log in
    • You can now review your account information and pay your bill using the pay button and following the required steps
    • You will receive an emailed copy of your receipt once your payment has been processed
    • Note: to pay an amount that is different than what the current balance owing is, select the Pay Multiple Accounts button. You can then enter your desired payment amount and then hit pay to continue.

Payment must be received at City Hall by the due date to avoid penalty. A late payment charge of 1.5% (18% per annum) is calculated on the amount outstanding and will be added to the water utility account on the 15th of each month after the due date, and on the 15th of each month thereafter. 

For more information, questions, or comments please contact our Utilities Collection Clerk at 519-376-4440 ext. 1243 or


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