Council and Committee meetings sometimes may be closed to the public. Municipalities may only have closed meetings in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
Before holding a closed meeting, a motion will be adopted in an open meeting. The motion will set out the nature of the subject(s) to be discussed and the reason(s) for closing the meeting.
The City must close a meeting to consider an Access to Information request or an ongoing investigation by the Ombudsman.
The City may also close a meeting to consider any of the following:
- security of the property of the City;
- considering personal information about an identifiable individual;
- acquisition or disposition of land;
- employee negotiations or labour relations;
- a matter in respect of which it may hold a closed meeting under another Act;
- litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals;
- receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege;
- educating or training of members so long as no decision making is advanced.
The Ontario Ombudsman has been appointed as the closed meeting investigator for the City. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Ombudsman will determine compliance with the Municipal Act and/or the City's Procedural By-law.