Fill out the request form and the Deputy Clerk or Committee Recording Secretary will contact you to confirm a meeting date. Requests for deputations must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the meeting date.
Speaking at a Meeting
There are different ways that the public can speak at Committee and Council meetings, including a deputation/presentation and public forum.
Deputation to Council or Committee
Members of the public may ask to make a presentation (also called a deputation) to Council or Committee provided that the subject matter is within Council's jurisdiction.
Each deputation may be a maximum of 10 minutes, which includes questions by the members, and two public deputations may be scheduled for each meeting.
Requests for support are generally heard first by the appropriate Committee. The Committee then makes a recommendation to Council.
A Request for Deputation Form needs to be completed and submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to a meeting to make a deputation request. Clerks staff will review your request and confirm a meeting date with you at Committee or Council.
If you have a PowerPoint presentation and/or materials, you will be asked to provide them at least two (2) days prior to the agenda being published. These will be added to the agenda.
Council meetings are run by the Mayor. Committee meetings are run by a Chair.
The Mayor or Chair will call you to come to the podium when it is your turn to speak.
- Speak into the microphone. Make sure the microphone is turned on (green light will be on) and that you speak into it. If you return to your seat and a question is asked, return to the microphone to answer so everyone can hear.
- State your name. Before you start to speak, state your name for the record, and the company or organization you represent if applicable.
- Keep it concise. Limit your presentation to 10 minutes.
- Speak through the Chair. Always direct your comments and answers to the Mayor or Chair. You should refer to the Mayor as 'Your Worship' and to the Chair as 'Chair'.
Once you have finished speaking, you are free to go back to your seat or leave the Council Chambers.
Feel free to email the Deputy Clerk or call 519-376-4440 ext. 1235.
Public Forum
Individuals who wish to make a comment or ask a question may do so by attending a Council or Committee meeting.
Persons speaking during public forum must provide their name and the municipality in which they reside prior to providing their comments.
There is a time limit of 3 minutes per speaker during public forum.
There is a total time limit of 15 minutes for public forum.
Individuals who are unable to attend a Council or Committee meeting in person may submit their comments electronically a minimum of 1 business day prior to the meeting start time to the City Clerk. These comments will be circulated to members and added to the agenda when it is republished.
Comments submitted electronically that are inappropriate or offensive in nature will not be circulated or attached to the agenda.
Contact Us
808 2nd Avenue East,
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
Phone: 519-376-1440
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