Owen Sound’s Backflow Prevention Program helps keep municipal drinking water safe while providing a cost-saving opportunity for property owners. To support compliance with the Backflow Prevention By-Law, the City is offering a limited-time subsidy to help cover the cost of installing premise isolation and fire protection backflow preventers.
Through the Program, property owners are only required to pay a plumbing permit fee to have Backflow Preventers install on their property. The plumbing permit application can be completed online through Cloudpermit, and the City’s Backflow Coordinator can assist owners in applying for it.
To learn more about Backflow Prevention and the subsidy program available, visit the webpage at OwenSound.ca/BackflowPrevention.
Or contact Sharah Young, Backflow Coordinator, at 519-376-4274 ext. 3406 or syoung@owensound.ca.