Kenny Drain ESR Update
The Kenny Drain is a drainage system in the City's east side, approximately 370ha in size. The catchment area includes existing industrial, commercial, institutional lands and future residential development.
The original Kenny Drain ESR study was completed in 1993 and updated in 2011. The study made recommendations for storm water improvements to control minor and a number of return period storm events for the area.
Some of the recommended storm water improvements:
- Replacement of culvert crossing structures
- Upgrade and repair of waterway channels including erosion protection
- Construction of storm water management ponds to control peak run-off flows for the 100 year return storm
The Kenny Drain ESR was updated using the recommendations from the original ESR prepared in 1993, adapting to changes within the catchment area and any changes in applicable laws.
The Kenny Drain ESR will be updated in 2021 if required.
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Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
Phone: 519-376-1440
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