The 'Action Number' has three unique identifiers:
• The first number – references the Recommendation in the Service Review Implementation Plan. Link to the Plan as presented July 17, 2023.
• The lowercase letter refers to the goal of the recommendation.
• The last number refers to the specific action to accomplish the goal.
Using Action number 2b.3 as an example, the ‘2’ identifies “Recommendation 2: Leverage existing technology to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery.” The ‘b’ identifies the goal “Expand the use of tablets to leverage digital processes.” The 3 identifies one of the specific actions “Implement a policy for Mobile Technology”.
The Consolidated Timeline Chart:
In the consolidated action timeline chart, each of the actions listed has a unique project timeline.
The proposed actions are scheduled to be completed over the next three years with varying start and end dates.
The GREEN shaded box signifies when Staff will begin working on the project. The GREY shaded box(es) signify the time the project is being actively worked on. The delivery of the project corresponds to the last grey box associated with the project.