Water billing accounts are attached to the property, not the customer. This means, if you move, your account does not move with you. You will be issued a new account number with your new property.
Below are some frequently asked questions regarding moving houses and water bills. More info can be found in the linked
Property Tax and Water Billing Home Owner Information Package.
If you are purchasing or selling a property within Owen Sound, please complete the Online Move Reques Form. Please advise us of your upcoming move at least 14 days prior to the closing date.
I have bought an existing home, how do I sign up for water?
Property owners may call the Utilities Collection Clerk at 519-376-4440 ex 1243 or email waterbilling@owensound.ca at least 14 days prior to the closing date to provide the legal names of the owners, mailing or email address for the water bill, and a phone number we may contact you at.
I have sold my home, what do I need to do?
Call the water billing department at 519-376-4440 ex. 1243 or email waterbilling@owensound.ca to provide your closing date and forwarding address/email address at least 14 days prior to closing.
Your final or new water bill will be mailed to you at the forwarding address or email address approximately one week after receiving the final reading. Our Water Meter reader will go to your home the day before or day of the closing date to obtain a reading. If no reading is obtained from either you or the new owner, we will finalize the account with an estimated reading.
What if the home I am purchasing will be rented to tenants? Who is responsible for the water?
A billing designate form must be signed between the landlord and tenant(s) at least 14 days prior to closing. The billing designate form allows the City of Owen Sound to activate a water billing account in a tenant’s name for the period they will be residing at the property.
Failure to provide the water billing department with a completed billing designate form will result in the water billing account being left in the landlord’s name.
Tenant(s) are responsible for the payment of water (unless otherwise agreed upon between the landlord and tenant) and are subject to disconnection if the water account falls into six-month arrears.
My water bills are paid by automatic withdrawal from my bank. Will the pre-authorized payment plan be transferred from my old home’s water account to my new home’s water account?
If you are moving to a new Owen Sound property and wish to remain on the City's pre-authorized withdrawal program, please complete the Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form to re-enroll.
If you have Owen Sound water billing payments set up through your bank, you'll need to update your banking information to your new eleven-digit water account number (and remove your old water account if applicable).
How do I change the address my water bills are mailed to?
Do you own property in Owen Sound, but would like your water bill to be mailed to an alternative address?
Please fill out a Mailing Address Change Request form.
Or switch to paperless billing by completing the paperless billing enrolment form here. You will no longer receive a paper copy of your bill.
How can I update the name(s) on my water account?
Would you like to add, remove, or change a name on your water bill?
Please fill out and return the completed Water Billing Name Change Request Form.
If you are a tenant moving into a new residence in the City of Owen Sound, please fill out a billing designate form (not a water billing name change request form).