Residents can recycle using either the standard blue box or transparent plastic bags, but it must be properly sorted.
Blue boxes can be purchased through Miller Waste Systems.
Some Harrison Park Trail & Road Closures
Please note that blue box recycling in Owen Sound is now managed by Circular Materials, a not-for-profit organization that is committed to building efficient and effective recycling systems in Ontario and across Canada.
Circular Materials - Owen Sound Recycling website
This transition means no change to the materials you can recycle or your collection calendar. Please direct all recycling inquiries and Blue Box needs to Miller Waste Systems at (519) 372-1855.
Residents can recycle using either the standard blue box or transparent plastic bags, but it must be properly sorted.
Blue boxes can be purchased through Miller Waste Systems.
To ensure your recycling is collected, please properly sort all bags and containers. A list of all items that can and cannot be accepted can be found by using our Owen Sound Recycling Guide. When recycling in clear plastic bags, please refer to the Clear Bag Sorting Guide.
Corrugated Cardboard Recycling
Corrugated cardboard is thick cardboard, often used for packing boxes, etc. Boxes must be flattened and tied in a bundle when placed at the curb for pick up. Unlike boxboard (such as cereal boxes), this will not be accepted in the regular curbside blue box collection.
Corrugated cardboard is picked up separately every Wednesday in the downtown core (before 6:00 a.m.) and approximately one Monday per month throughout the rest of the city (before 8:00 a.m.), with the exception of the Industrial Park. To see your property's cardboard pick-up dates, see the Waste Collection Calendar here.
The Habitat for Humanity ReStore is the certified collection point for the Ontario Electronic Stewardship Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. At no cost, you can drop off electronics, including computers and peripherals (keyboards/mice), fax machines, televisions and cell phones.
For a list of accepted e-waste items please visit the Owen Sound ReStore e-waste items page or call (519) 371-6776.
Grey Bruce ReStore location: 223017 Grey Road 17 (Springmount)
Batteries thrown in the trash or recycling bin can spark and possibly cause a fire, and batteries that end up in landfills can be harmful to wildlife and the environment.
Used batteries can be safely recycled at Public Works during regular business hours, or on Household Hazardous Waste days.
For more information and other battery recycling options, please visit
The Mandatory Recycling By-Law has information for industrial, commercial and institutional facilities.
Contact Us
808 2nd Avenue East,
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
Phone: 519-376-1440
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