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Council Approves Climate Action Strategy

To address climate change in our area, Owen Sound’s City Council has approved a Climate Action Strategy that will guide the municipality forward in reaching its goal of becoming net zero by 2050. For the past 18 months, City staff and the Climate Action Team Owen Sound (CATOS) have collaborated to develop a Climate Mitigation Plan as part of the over-arching Climate Action Strategy. This work builds on Grey County’s Climate Action Plan to ensure a collaborative effort. 

The City’s Climate Action Strategy includes two components: 

1. The Climate Change Mitigation Plan 

  • Features a baseline emissions inventory  
  • Highlights corporate and community actions to be taken in the City to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

2. The Corporate Climate Change Adaptation Plan 

  • Identifies climatic threats and impacts on infrastructure and services 
  • Evaluates and prioritizes efforts by assessing the vulnerability and the risks to Owen Sound’s physical, economic, social, and ecological systems 
  • Identifies 25 actions to be taken to increase resiliency 

The City of Owen Sound’s refreshed Strategic Plan identified being a “Green City” as a priority of City Council. Implementing the Climate Action Strategy will enhance the City’s resilience and capacity for mitigating climate change, leading to a healthier and more sustainable future for Owen Sound. 

To read the Staff Report and see the full Climate Action Strategy Plan presentation to Council, click here

For more information, please contact Michelle Palmer, Senior Manager, Strategic Initiatives and Operational Effectiveness at 519-376-4440 ext. 1246 or email to 


"Climate Change is a critical global problem that requires local solutions and collaborative efforts from all levels of government. Council’s approval of the Climate Action Strategy is an important step forward in mitigating and adapting to the impacts of a changing climate in Owen Sound. We all look forward to working with our City and neighbours as we move ahead with the actions and initiatives in the Climate Action Strategy. 

-      Mayor Ian Boddy 

Quick Facts: 

  • Council has approved the City’s Climate Action Strategy 
  • The Strategy focuses on: 
    • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions generated in the City 
    • Implementing measures that enable the City to adapt to a changing climate 
  • The Climate Action Strategy supports Council’s priority of being a “Green City,” as part of the refreshed Strategic Plan 



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