Downtown River Precinct Phase 2 Nears Finish Line
Construction on the 900 block of 1st Avenue East (from the north entrance at 10th Street East to the south side of The Sydenham Condominium building) as part of the Downtown River Precinct (DRP) Phase 2 has reached the ‘Substantial Performance’ milestone. This exciting achievement means the construction project is mostly complete within budgetary parameters, aside from a small number of minor items scheduled for completion in favourable weather conditions. The road has now been reopened, and winter maintenance is in place. Municipal parking enforcement will continue to honour the temporary DRP2 Parking Passes until the end of this month.
The final landscaping and signage will be installed this spring, at which time Phase 2 of the riverside DRP project will be complete. A celebration and ribbon-cutting event will be scheduled at a later date. This enhanced space in the River District includes accessible walkways, a waterside boardwalk, and improved lighting.
The DRP Phase 2 project was partially funded by an OCIF (Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund) Grant and the Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) – Small Projects Component program. For additional details about the DRP Phase 2 project, including FAQs and more images, please visit
For more information, please contact Lara Widdifield, Director of Public Works and Engineering, at 519-376-4440 ext. 1201 or email
Quick Facts:
- 1st Avenue East (between 9th and 10th streets) is fully open to traffic and pedestrians.
- The total budget for this project is $2 million.
- For additional details about the DRP Phase 2 project, including FAQs, project plans, and project newsletters, please visit
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808 2nd Avenue East,
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
Phone: 519-376-1440
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