Owen Sound River District Joins National Shop Main Street Canada. Support Local Campaign
The Owen Sound River District is excited to announce the launch of a new local initiative as part of the nationwide movement: Shop Main Street Canada. Support Local. This campaign encourages our community to embrace a local-first mindset and recognize the importance of supporting Main Street businesses that serve as the economic and cultural heartbeat of our City.
Main Street businesses are more than just places to shop—they are the pulse of our community, driving job creation, sustaining entrepreneurs, and fostering economic growth. Every dollar spent at a locally owned business fuels community investment strengthens local initiatives and ensures that unique small businesses continue to thrive despite economic challenges.
We encourage residents, visitors, and business owners to take part in the campaign by:
- Updating your Social Media profiles to include the Shop Main Street Canada, Support Local logo.
- Shopping at local businesses
- Dining at independently owned restaurants and cafés
- Choosing Canadian-made products and services
- Connect with the Owen Sound River District on their initiatives and promotions
Explore main street businesses near you by visiting: owensoundriverdistrict.ca/businesses
The Owen Sound River District remains committed to advocating for the success of Main Street businesses and strengthening our local economy. Together, we can make a lasting impact by supporting the businesses that support us.
Join the movement. Shop Main Street Canada, Support Local and invest in Canadian businesses.
Tag the River District on social media to share your local spirit with everyone @RiverDistrictOS
For more information, please contact Viveca Gravel, River District Coordinator, at 519-376-4440 ext. 1209 or email vgravel@owensound.ca.
Quick Facts:
- 1.9 Million jobs are provided on Canada's main streets
- $300 Billion is generated annually by main streets
- 98 Thousand civic and community infrastructure assets exist on main streets
- Find the toolkit and logos HERE
Contact Us
808 2nd Avenue East,
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
Phone: 519-376-1440
Email us
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