Buy a monthly lot pass at City Hall or the Transit Terminal for $30.00/month or $20/month after the 15th day of the month. Please note - you can only use your lot pass in parking lots, and it does not guarantee you a space.
Annual and Monthly Parking Passes
The City of Owen Sound has over 800 parking spaces and different parking payment options.
From Monday to Friday, parking is free for up to 2 hours on downtown streets, and up to 5 hours in municipal lots.
A daily parking lot pass can be purchased for $5 per day at City Hall, only valid on the day of purchase and includes use of City lots, does not include street parking.
Parking is free on Saturday, Sunday and City holidays. Click here to see full Parking Rules.

The City of Owen Sound has over 800 parking spaces. See our parking map for full details.
Contact Us
808 2nd Avenue East,
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
Phone: 519-376-1440
Email us
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