There are currently no active Committee of Adjustment Applications.
Active Planning Applications
Current active planning applications in the City of Owen Sound
ZBA No. 52 (Removal of Holding) – 2198 3rd Avenue East
The purpose of the application is to facilitate the redevelopment of the lands for a mix of land uses in four (4) phases. The development is proposing two (2), seven-storey apartment buildings containing a total of 312 dwelling units, a seven-storey seniors apartment building containing 128 units, a seven-storey hotel containing 180 suites, a marina containing 73 boat slips and a 264 sq. m. utility building, and a surface parking area containing 339 stalls.
In 2002, a Holding provision was placed on the lands via By-law No. 2002-014, to require that site remediation in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 19 and regulations thereunder be completed prior to the development of the lands.
The effect of the application is to remove the Holding provision from a portion of the subject lands and adjacent City-owned lands to the west (ARN 425901000507820) and south (ARN 425901000507206) that are subject to a Record of Site Condition (RSC) filed with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks in 2008 (Registration No. 45250).
The existing spit and a 30 m wide strip of land adjacent to the waterfront zoned as ‘Hazard Zone’ (ZH) by the City’s Zoning By-law (2010-078, as amended) are not subject to the RSC therefore, the Holding (H) provision is not proposed to be removed from this portion of the lands.
The application does not propose any other changes to the existing site zoning.
Submission Items
Planning Opinion Letter including Draft Amendments
Ministry RSC Acceptance Letter
Due Diligence Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Update
Map of Remediation Areas - Figure 3 of Soil Remediation Report (2008)
Barenco Soil Remediation Report 2008
Barenco Phase I and II Report 2008
RSC Boundary Letter - December 5, 2023
Notice of Intention to Remove a Holding Symbol
Staff Reports
Coming soon.
Contact Information
For more information regarding the application, please contact:
Jacklyn Iezzi, BES.
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1261
For more information about appeal rights and to provide comment, please contact the Deputy Clerk:
Allison Penner
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1235
ZBA No. 54 - (Hampton Inn - 1750 16th Ave East)
The purpose of the application is to permit the construction of a 120-room, six-storey hotel on the northern portion of the property. The existing buildings and uses on the southern portion of the property are to remain at this time. It is anticipated that the property will be subject to a future consent (severance) application.
The effect of the application is to amend the current zone categories applying to the subject lands consistent with the East City Commercial designation of the City's Official Plan generally in accordance with the following:
Current Zone |
Proposed Zone (North – Hotel) |
Proposed Zone (South – Existing Commercial) |
General Industrial (M1) |
Retail Commercial with Special Provision 14.141 (C2 14.141) |
Retail Commercial Holding (C2-H) |
The special provisions for the northern portion (hotel) propose to establish site-specific zoning regulations regarding building height, among other matters.
The Holding provisions on the southern portion will require the completion of a retail market analysis, in accordance with Section of the Official Plan, to the satisfaction of the City of Owen Sound prior to the establishment of any retail or commercial use that is less than 465 square metres and greater than 1,400 square metres.
Submission Items
Existing Plans, Functional Grading Plan, Functional Servicing Plan
Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1
Staff Reports
Coming soon.
Contact Information
For more information regarding the applications, please contact:
Sabine Robart, M.SC. (PL), MCIP, RPP
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1236
For more information about appeal rights and to provide comment, please contact the Deputy Clerk:
Allison Penner
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1235
For more information regarding any of the subdivision files below, please contact:
Sabine Robart, M.SC. (PL), MCIP, RPP
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1236
Bremont Telfer Creek 42T-19501 - East of 16th Avenue East, North of 8th Street East
CS-19-136 Staff Recommendation Report
Notice of Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision 42T-19501 with Conditions
East Court Residences, Andpet Residential Subdivision 42T-18501, OPA 9, ZBA 27 - West Side of 16th Avenue East between 10th Street East and 16th Street East
CS-20-045 Staff Recommendation Report
Notice of Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision 42T-18501 with Conditions
Redhawk Construction Co. Ltd 42T-15501, OPA 6, ZBA 18 - South Side of 8th Street East
CS-19-088 Staff Recommendation Report
Notice of Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision 42T-15501 with Conditions
Northridge Property Management (Former RCA) 42T-16501, ZBA 19 - 3195 East Bayshore Road
CS-17-088 Staff Recommendation Report
Notice of Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision 42T-16501 with Conditions
Greystone Village 42T-20501, OPA 11, ZBA 34 & 35 - 1415 8th Street East
CS-22-101 Staff Recommendation Report
Notice of Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision 42T-20501 with Conditions
Approved Planning Files
For more information regarding any of the planning files below, please contact:
Sabine Robart, M.SC. (PL), MCIP, RPP
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1236
ZBA No. 25 - Cannabis and Food/Beverage Production Facilities (Housekeeping Amendment)
ZBA No. 28 - 1200 16th Avenue East (LHMD Inc. c/o API Development Consultants Inc.)
ZBA No. 29 - 2125 16th Street East (Heritage Grove)
ZBA No. 32 - 1130 8th Street East (Sydenham Campus)
The applicant, the County of Grey, has submitted Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval applications to re-purpose the existing building and lands into a municipally owned and operated innovation centre.
The purpose of the application is to amend the City of Owen Sound Zoning By-law 2010-078, to permit a municipally managed research and development facility (innovation centre) in the former Sydenham School.
The effect of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to establish site specific zone provisions that will:
- Add and refine ‘research and development facility’ as a permitted use on the subject property;
- Provide for a site specific off-street parking requirement that will apply to any mix or combination of users within the building that form the research and development facility use.
Submission Items
Site Plan Phase I (labelled Option A)
Site Plan Phase II (labelled Option B)
Notice of Complete Application
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2021-037
Staff Reports
ZBA No. 33 - 1960 16th Street East (Thompson Centres Inc.)
The applicant, Thompson Centres (Lou Meandro), has submitted an application to amend the City’s Zoning By-law 2010-078, as amended.
The purpose of the application is to permit a multi-unit commercial development, including a mix of restaurants and retail/service commercial uses tentatively contained in four (4) detached buildings. The proposal facilitates the future construction of shared surface parking area, internal road system, landscaping and the extension of 20th Avenue East north of 16th Street East.
The effect of the application is to amend the Zoning By-law from ‘General Industrial’ (M1) with Special Provision 14.88 to apply the ‘Retail Commercial’ (C2) zone provisions to the subject property and to provide for site specific zone regulations with regard to setbacks from lot lines, among other matters.
Submission Items
Retail Impact Study for Sydenham Heights Centre, Owen Sound
Sydenham Heights Centre Servicing Feasibility Study
Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment
Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment
Notice of Complete Application
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2021-099
Staff Reports
The purpose of the application is to permit an eight-unit stacked cluster townhouse development on the subject lands.
The effect of the application is to add site-specific zone provisions applying to the subject lands in order to add ‘Dwelling, Stacked Cluster Townhouse’ as a permitted use and permit a reduced minimum ‘Lot Frontage’ of 24 metres (where 25 metres are required) and a reduced minimum ‘Lot Area’ (total development parcel) of 1,347 square metres (where 1600 square metres are required).
Submission Items
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2022-056
Staff Report
ZBA No. 38 - 3195 East Bayshore Road (SkyDev)
The applicant, SkyDev Bayshore Owen Sound LP (Brandon Almeida), has submitted a Zoning By-law Amendment application proposing a residential development consisting of eight (8), six-storey apartment buildings with 89 dwelling units in each building for a total of 712 units. The proposal also includes the construction of three surface parking areas, two amenity buildings, an internal road system, on-site recreational facilities, and landscaping.
The effect of the application is to amend the zone categories and special provisions applying to the subject lands generally in accordance with the following:
Current Zone:
- Low Density Residential (R3) with Special Provision 14.55 and Holding Provision
- Multiple Residential (MR) with Holding Provision
- Hazard Lands (ZH)
Proposed Zone:
- Multi Residential (MR) with Special Provision 14.XX and Holding
- Hazard Lands (ZH)
The application also proposes to amend the Zoning on the subject lands to permit additional accessory uses and to establish site and building regulations including to:
- Permit accessory solar collector installations, accessory beehives and a sales/leasing office.
- Permit an increased maximum building height.
- Recognize that the development will be regarded as one lot for the purposes of zoning regulations if subject to future consent or plan of condominium applications.
Submission Items
Transportation Impact & Parking Study
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2022-103
Staff Reports
CS-22-093 Technical Report - July 25, 2022 Council Meeting - Item 12.b
Public Meeting - July 25, 2022 Council Meeting - Item 8.a
CS-22-119 Staff Recommendation Report - September 26, 2022 - Item 12.a
ZBA No. 40 - 740 10th Street West (740 10th Street (OS) Inc.)
The purpose of the application is to permit an eight-unit stacked cluster townhouse development on the subject lands.
The effect of the application is to add site-specific zone provisions applying to the subject lands in order to add ‘Dwelling, Stacked Cluster Townhouse’ as a permitted use and permit a reduced minimum ‘Lot Frontage’ of 24 metres (where 25 metres are required) and a reduced minimum ‘Lot Area’ (total development parcel) of 1,347 square metres (where 1600 square metres are required).
Submission Items
Notice of Complete Application & Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2022-123
Staff Reports
CS-22-142 Technical Report - November 07, 2022 Council Meeting - Item 12.b
CS-22-158 Staff Recommendation Report - December 12, 2022 Council Meeting - Item 12.a
ZBA No. 41 - Additional Residential Units (Housekeeping Amendment)
The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is a City-initiated housekeeping amendment to Zoning By-law 2010-078, as amended. The application proposes to amend three (3) sections of the By-law to increase permissions for Additional Residential Units, clarify interpretation, and improve readability, as generally achieved through:
i. Adding definitions (Sec. 4).
ii. Amending and adding general provisions (Sec. 5).
iii. Removing Residential regulations (Sec. 6).
The amendment is general in nature and impacts a number of zones. The amendment is considered City-wide, because it does not impact a single or collection of properties specifically.
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-019
Staff Reports
CS-22-154 Technical Report - November 16, 2022 Community Services Committee Meeting - Item 8.a
CS-23-022 Staff Recommendation Report - February 13, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.a
ZBA No. 42 (Removal of Holding) - 3195 East Bayshore Road (SkyDev)
The purpose of the application is to facilitate the construction of a residential development consisting of eight (8), six-storey apartment buildings with 89 dwelling units in each building for a total of 712 units. The proposal also includes the construction of three surface parking areas, two amenity buildings, an internal road system, on-site recreational facilities, and landscaping.
The effect of the application is to remove the Holding provision, which was placed on the lands to require approval of the following matters prior to development of the subject lands:
- Land Use Compatibility Study
- Urban Design Brief
- Compliance with the Environmental Protection Act
- Archaeological Study
- Servicing Study
- Hazard Lands
The application does not propose any other changes to the existing site zoning.
Submission Items
Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report
Archaeological Assessment & Ministry Register Entry
Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1 & Phase II
Public Notice of Intention to Remove a Holding Symbol
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-074
Staff Report
CS-23-011 Staff Recommendation Report - January 16, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 12.b
ZBA No. 43 - 1730 27th Avenue East (Block 3 and 4, East Ridge Business Park)
The purpose of the application is to permit an indoor storage facility with ten (10) buildings. The proposal includes the construction of a parking area, an internal road system, landscaping, and a stormwater management system.
The effect of the application is to amend the zone categories and special provisions applying to the subject lands generally in accordance with the following:
Current Zone:
- Heavy Industrial (M2)
- General Industrial (M1)
- Hazard Lands (ZH)
Proposed Zone:
- Heavy Industrial (M2) with Special Provision 14.XX
Submission Items
Stormwater Management Report & Site Plan Drawings
Notice of Complete Application & Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-020
Staff Reports
CS-23-009 Technical Report - January 16, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 12.c
CS-23-017 Staff Recommendation Report - January 30, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 12.b
ZBA No. 44 - 2275 16th Street East - Telfer Creek Square
The purpose of the application is to permit a mixed-use development which includes three multi unit commercial buildings, two single purpose commercial buildings and three 3-storey (40 unit) multi-unit residential buildings with a total of 120 residential units. The proposal includes the construction of parking areas, an internal road system, landscaping, and a stormwater management system. The development is proposed to be accessed via an extension of 22nd Ave E south of 16th St E.
The effect of the application is to amend the zone categories and special provisions applying to the subject lands generally in accordance with the following:
Current Zone:
- Rural (RUR)
- Hazard Lands (ZH)
Proposed Zone:
- Retail Commercial Holding with Special Provisions 14.XXX (C2(H) 14.XXX)
The proposed special provisions will address Section East City Commercial – General Policies of the City’s Official Plan (2021), among other matters.
Submission Items
Servicing, Grading & Drainage Drawings
Archaeological Assessment Stage 1 & 2 and Ministry Register Entry
Notice of Complete Application
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-045
Staff Reports
CS-23-016 Technical Report - January 30, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 12.a
CS-23-037 Staff Recommendation Report - March 27, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.b
Contact Information
For more information regarding the applications, please contact:
Sabine Robart, M.SC. (PL), MCIP, RPP
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1236
For more information about appeal rights and to provide comment, please contact the Deputy Clerk:
Staci Landry
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1235
OPA No. 12 and ZBA No. 45 - 1555 18th Avenue East (Calloway REIT Inc.)
The purpose of the application is to permit a two phased residential development including apartment and cluster townhouse dwellings with a total of 477 units and an overall density of 95 units per net hectare. The development includes the extension of 10th Street East as a 20.5 metre collector road.
The effect of the Official Plan Amendment is to re-designate the subject lands from ‘Low Density Residential’ to ‘High Density Residential’ within the Sydenham Heights Planning Area – Phase I and to provide for a 20.5-metre-wide collector road configuration for the 10th Street East extension between 18th Avenue East and 20th Avenue East.
The effect of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to amend the zone categories and special provisions applying to the subject lands generally in accordance with the following:
Current Zoning:
- Low Density Residential with Special Provision 14.5 (R3 14.5)
- Low Density Residential Holding with Special Provision 14.5 (R3 (H) 14.5)
Proposed Zoning:
Phase 1
- General Residential with Special Provision (R5
Phase 2
- General Residential with Special Provision 14.yyy (R5 14.yyy)
The special provisions are proposing to establish site specific zone regulations regarding building height, setbacks, parking ratios, density, temporary uses, and future buildout of the site, among other matters.
Submission Items
Master Site Plan & Phasing Plan
Tree Inventory & Protection Report & Plan
Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment
Noise Impact Study - updated April 19, 2023
Landscape Plan Detail - updated April 2023
Revised Urban Design Report - update April 2023
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Adoption By-law No. 2023-061
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-062
Staff Reports
CS-23-035 Technical Report - March 27, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.a
CS-23-046 Staff Recommendation Report - May 29, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.a
ZBA No. 46 - 1043 & 1057 3rd Avenue East (St. Clare Place)
The purpose of the application is to permit a mixed-use development consisting of a six storey, 40-unit apartment building providing purpose built rental housing for seniors together with a commercial component on the ground floor. The proposal also includes the construction of a parking area with 23 spaces, an internal drive aisle, landscaping, and a stormwater management system. The development is proposed to be accessed via two entrances from 3rd Avenue East, one of which is the entrance for St. Francis’ Place.
The effect of the application is to amend the site-specific Core Commercial (C1) with Special Provision 14.90 (C1 14.90) to permit a reduced side yard setback to 0 m and an increased maximum height to 24.6 m in addition to the existing special provisions which permits a reduced parking ratio of 0.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit and an amended definition of Landscape Open Space to permit common balconies to count toward landscape open space.
Submission Items
Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment & Entry into Ontario Public Register of Archaeological Reports
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-063
Staff Reports
CS-23-050 Technical Report - May 8, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.a
CS-23-064 Staff Recommendation Report - May 29, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.b
ZBA No. 47 - 1032 2nd Avenue West (Owen Sound Masonic Temple)
The purpose of the application is to permit the conversion of the existing building, which formerly contained a day nursery, to contain two dwelling units as ‘Dwelling, Duplex’.
The effect of the application is to amend the zone category applying to the subject lands from ‘Institutional’ (I) to ‘Medium Density Residential’ (R4).
Submission Items
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-064
Staff Reports
CS-23-045 Technical Report - May 8, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.b
CS-23-067 Staff Recommendation Report - May 29, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.c
ZBA No. 48 - 2125 16th Street East - Heritage Grove
The purpose of the application is to permit the construction of additional buildings to complete the buildout of the multi-building commercial development on the subject lands. A new 3,252 square metre grocery store is proposed together with an attached 1,310 square metre retail unit in the northeast quadrant of the site.
The proposal includes the construction of parking areas, an internal road system, landscaping, and a stormwater management system.
The effect of the application is to amend the current zone categories and special provisions applying to the subject lands consistent with the Official Plan for the East City Commercial area generally in accordance with the following:
Current Zone:
- Retail Commercial with Special Provision 14.89 (C2 14.89)
Proposed Zone:
- Retail Commercial with Special Provisions 14.XXX (C2 14.XXX)
That Special Provision 14.89 shall be deleted.
That the following NEW provisions are proposed:
Special Provision 14.XXX
Permitted Uses
a. All uses in the C2 Zone are permitted to lands shown on Schedule A, Zoning Map 20, subject to Official Plan conformity including policy, to the satisfaction of the City.
Notwithstanding the C2 (14.XXX) Zone, all legally existing uses on the date of passing of this By-law, may continue on the lands and are deemed to conform with this By-law.
The site and building requirements of the C2 zone shall apply to lands shown on Schedule A, Zoning Map 20, save and except for the following:
- Building Setbacks: 4 m minimum setback from 16th St E for Building ‘H’; 6.0 m minimum from any street line for all other buildings and 8 m minimum from any other lot line.
- A minimum landscape buffer - Adjacent to 16th Street East – a minimum of 0.25 metres.
- Maximum Building Height – 19 m for Hotels, Clinics and Laboratories
- Restaurants
- Restaurants smaller than 325.2 m2 GFA shall be permitted provided that they do not exceed 1,250 m2 GFA in aggregate.
- One drive-through restaurant is permitted, which shall not be subject to the 1,250 m2 restaurant aggregate regardless of size.
Submission Items
Retail Market Demand & Impact Analysis
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-082
Staff Reports
CS-23-071 Technical Report - June 12, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.a
CS-23-076 Staff Recommendation Report - June 26, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.a
Contact Information
For more information regarding the applications, please contact:
Sabine Robart, M.SC. (PL), MCIP, RPP
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1236
For more information about appeal rights and to provide comment, please contact the Deputy Clerk:
Staci Landry
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1235
OPA No. 13 and ZBA No. 49 - 1235 and 1259 3rd Avenue East - Old Courthouse and Jail
The purpose of the application is to permit the adaptive reuse of the existing buildings and structures on the subject lands, being the historic Courthouse, Jail, Jail yards, and Governor’s Residence, for an entertainment and event venue and business incubator. The entertainment and event venue is intended to accommodate gatherings for specific events (i.e., weddings, business & personal events, etc.) and will be supported by on-site restaurants, drinking establishments, indoor and outdoor entertainment facilities and overnight accommodations. These uses will be available to both event participants and the general public.
The proposal includes minor modifications to the existing buildings and structures to allow for access (e.g., elevators), restoration of a front portico to the Courthouse building, vehicular access from 3rd Ave E and 4th Ave E, a parking area to the east (rear) of the site containing 40 stalls, a loading dock to the north (side) of the Governor’s Residence, and site landscaping. The Courthouse is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for reasons of architectural and contextual value and interest and the Jail property is listed on the City’s Heritage Register.
OPA 13
The effect of the Official Plan Amendment is to redesignate the subject lands from ‘Institutional’ to ‘Arterial Commercial’ on Schedule ‘A’ – Land Use of the City’s 2021 Official Plan. The Arterial Commercial designation recognizes that the subject lands have frontage on a Minor Arterial roadway (3rd Ave E). Site-specific policies are proposed to permit the following additional uses within the Arterial Commercial designation:
- An entertainment and event venue.
- Visitor accommodations and places of entertainment.
- Community facilities such as a gallery, museum, and other institutional uses.
- Business services.
ZBA 49
The effect of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the subject lands from ‘Institutional’ (I) to ‘Mixed Use Commercial’ (MC) with Special Provision (14.XXX) within the City’s Zoning By-law (2010-078, as amended). Permitted uses in the Mixed-Use Commercial Zone include ‘Restaurant’ and ‘Drinking Establishment’. The proposed Special Provisions (14.XXX) would, in addition to the uses permitted in the MC zone, add a ‘Business Incubator’ and ‘Event and Entertainment Facility’ as permitted uses, and define these uses generally in accordance with the following:
‘Business Incubator’ means an establishment that provides incubator services such as management training, networking facilities, programming, mentorship programs, business assistance services, and office space including ‘hot desk’ services and is dedicated to nurturing the development and commercialization of start-ups, early-stage companies and established companies (enterprises).
‘Event and Entertainment Facility’ means an establishment in which the main use is to accommodate gatherings for specific events, and which may also include, among its internal functions, accommodation for overnight guests, accessory retail and office, and indoor and outdoor entertainment facilities available for use by event participants, the general public, or both.
The Special Provision (14.XXX) also proposes to require a minimum of 100 parking stalls for the development and to permit required parking to be located on-site or within 500 m of the subject lands.
Submission Items
Planning & Urban Design Rationale Report
Draft Official Plan Amendment
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
Architectural Drawing Set
Functional Servicing Brief
Transportation Impact Study
Heritage Impact Assessment
Parking Study
Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment
Noise Impact Study
Parking Justification Study Update
Land Use Compatibility Study
Letter of Opinion - Chimney Swift
Planning Addendum Letter and Draft Amendments
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Adoption By-law No. 2023-113
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-114
Staff Reports
CS-23-090 Technical Report - September 11, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.a
Public Meeting - September 11, 2023 - Item 6.a
CS-23-111 Recommendation Report - October 23, 2023 Council Meeting - Item 10.a
ZBA No. 50 - 1580 20th Street East
The purpose of the application is to permit a rock-climbing bouldering gym, having approximately 569 m2 of gross floor area, to be located within the existing Industrial Mall.
The effect of the application is to amend the zone category applying to the subject lands from ‘Heavy Industrial’ (M2) and ‘Hazard Lands’ (ZH) to ‘General Industrial’ (M1) and ‘Hazard Lands’ (ZH) to permit the proposed use and to apply a site-specific zoning provision (14.XXX) pertaining to required off-street parking for the existing Industrial Mall.
Submission Items
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-095
Staff Reports
CS-23-092 Staff Recommendation Report - September 11, 2023 - Item 10.b
Contact Information
For more information regarding the applications, please contact:
Jacklyn Iezzi, BES.
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1261
For more information about appeal rights and to provide comment, please contact the Deputy Clerk:
Staci Landry
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1235
ZBA No. 51 - Short-Term Rentals (Housekeeping Amendment)
The purpose of this City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) is to implement housekeeping changes to the Zoning By-law (2010-078, as amended), to support the implementation of the Short-Term Rental Licensing By-law by clarifying where in the City STRs are permitted and providing associated definitions.
The effect of the ZBA is to define and permit STRs where a ‘Residential Use’ is a permitted use in the Zoning By-law by implementing the following housekeeping amendments:
- Section 4 Definitions
- Refine the ‘Bed & Breakfast’ definition.
- Add a definition for ‘Short-Term Rental’.
- Section 5 General Provisions
- Permit STRs in any zone where a ‘Residential Use’ is a permitted use. STR’s would be permitted in any dwelling type including single family, semi-detached, duplex, townhouses and apartments.
- Require that STRs comply with the parking provisions of Section 5.
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2023-132
Staff Reports
CS-23-107 Staff Technical Report - October 18, 2023 - Item 8.b.1
CS-23-136 Staff Recommendation Report - December 18, 2023 - Item 10.a
Contact Information
For more information regarding the applications, please contact:
Sabine Robart, M.SC. (PL), MCIP, RPP
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1236
For more information about appeal rights and to provide comment, please contact the Deputy Clerk:
Staci Landry
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1235
ZBA No. 53 – Roll No. 425901000633806 – 10th Avenue Estates
The purpose of the application is to permit an 85-unit residential development consisting of 22 cluster townhouse dwellings and two (2) apartment buildings; one (1), three-and-a-half storey building containing 29 units and one (1) four-storey building containing 34 units, for a total of 63 apartment dwellings. As part of the development, 10th Avenue East is proposed to terminate in a cul-de-sac bulb in its current location and the development would front onto a private road network approximately 7.0 m in width.
The lands are currently zoned ‘Medium Density Residential’ (R4), with a Special Provision 14.76 and ‘Hazard Lands’ (ZH) by the City’s Zoning By-law (2010-078, as amended). Townhouses are among the uses permitted in the R4 Zone. Special Provision 14.76 permits and provides site and building regulations for a School.
The effect of the application is to rezone the lands to permit Apartment buildings. The existing site-specific zoning provisions (14.76) that permit and provide site and building regulations for a School are proposed to be removed and replaced with site-specific site and building regulations required to facilitate the development including, among other matters, provisions for a maximum building height of 13.5 m for Apartments.
Submission Items
Archaeological Assessment - Final
Archaeological Assessment - Entry into Register
Engineered Site Drawings (Site Plan, Erosion & Sediment Control, Grading & Drainage, Site Servicing, Stormwater, Landscape Plan, Details & Notes)
Floodplain Study of Kenny Drain
Functional Servicing Report - Revised September 2024
Land Use Compatibility Study - Revised June 2024
Letter from Applicant - Response to Public Comments
Planning Justification Report - Revised June 2024
Preliminary Noise Assessment Tenth Avenue Estates
Record of Site Condition letter
Scoped Environmental Impact Study
Site Plan - Revised August 2024
Transportation Study - Revised August 2024
Notice of Passing By-law No. 2024-108
Notice of Complete Application and Hearing
ZBA 53 Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Staff Reports
Public Meeting Presentation - City Council July 8, 2024
Contact Information
For more information regarding the application, please contact:
Sabine Robart, M.SC. (PL), MCIP, RPP
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1236
For more information about appeal rights and to provide comment, please contact the Deputy Clerk:
Allison Penner
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1235
Active Heritage Designation Applications
Notice of Passing: 791 2nd Avenue West and 795 2nd Avenue West (Kennedy Terrace)
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound passed By-law No. 2024-101 (for 791 2nd Avenue West) and By-law No. 2024-103 (for 795 2nd Avenue West) on September 9th, 2024, under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O.18 to designate properties, including lands and buildings, located at 791 2nd Avenue West (PT LOT 13 PT LAND BTWN RANGE 1 W RIVER AND SYDENHAM RIVER E WEST ST S FROST ST RP 16R9569 PARTS 2 13 16 TO 20 UNREG), also known as Kennedy Terrace, and at 795 2nd Avenue West (PLAN OWEN SOUND PT LOT 13 PT LAND BTWN RANGE 1 W RIVER AND SYDENHAM RIVER E WEST ST S FROST ST RP 16R9569 PARTS 1 7 12 AND 15), also known as Kennedy Terrace, to be of cultural heritage value and interest.
Additional Information, including a full description of the reasons for designation, is available upon request from Jocelyn Wainwright, Heritage Coordinator, Planning & Heritage Division, at 519-376-4440 ext. 1250, or at during regular business hours
Notice of appeal to either of the designation by-laws under Section 29(8.4) of the Ontario Heritage Act, together with a statement of the reasons in support of the objection, accompanied by the fee charged by the Ontario Land Tribunal, must be filed with the Clerk of the City of Owen Sound and the Ontario Land Tribunal within 30 days after the publishing of this notice.
Notice Date: September 14, 2024.
Last Day for filing a notice of appeal: October 15, 2024.
Briana Bloomfield, City Clerk,
The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound
808 2nd Avenue East
Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H4
Telephone: 519-376-4440 ext. 1247
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808 2nd Avenue East,
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
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