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Water and Wastewater Department

Water distribution and wastewater treatment services are funded through user fees; no tax dollars are collected to provide City water services. 

The City of Owen Sound Water & Wastewater Department is responsible for the following:

The Drinking Water Source Protection Committee for the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Region has completed Source Protection Plans. These plans include policies to reduce the risk of contamination and overuse to local drinking water sources. To learn more about Drinking Water Source Protection and view reports on local drinking water sources visit

The City of Owen Sound Water Treatment and Distribution System consists of approximately 142 kilometers of pipe and services approximately 7000 connections. It includes two booster stations, the reservoir and the Water Treatment Plant. The distribution system consists of multiple pressure zones.

Additional information is available on Grey Bruce Health Unit's water information webpage.

The City of Owen Sound Wastewater Collection System consists of approximately 111 kilometers of pipe and services approximately 7000 connections. It includes several minor pumping stations and one major pumping stations. It discharges to the Owen Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant located north of the Bayshore Community Centre.


The residents of Owen Sound can have the greatest confidence that all steps are being taken to ensure that our municipal drinking water continues to be clean and safe for everyone. 


If you have an urgent water-related issue, please call 519-376-4274.

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