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General City News

  • fire hydrant with snow around it
    Help Keep Hydrants Clear and Accessible in Owen Sound 

    The City of Owen Sound Water Division is clearing hydrants of excess snow following recent heavy snowfalls, ensuring they remain accessible for emergency services.  The City periodically clears the snow around the hydrants, but residents can do their part, too!  Keeping clear, unobstructed access to the hydrants' ports ensures precious seconds aren’t wasted clearing snow in the event of an emergency.   

  • City of Owen Sound logo
    Owen Sound Requests Provincial Support to Address Family Doctor Shortage at ROMA

    Representatives from Owen Sound and Grey County met with provincial officials today to discuss the region’s health care needs during the 2025 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference. 

    The City of Owen Sound requested provincial support for the creation of a new doctor-led nurse practitioner clinic. This alternative delivery model would help more families to connect with a family doctor and reduce pressure on our emergency rooms.

    Grey County requested the Ministry of Health commit to providing enhanced operating and capital funding to the Hanover and District Hospital in recognition of the additional demands placed on it due to the reduction in service at the Durham and Chesley sites of the South Bruce Grey Hospital Corporation.

  • Service Updates: Weather Impacts Transit, Waste Collection and Some City Services in Owen Sound

    City Hall and other City Facilities are currently open, however, front counter services are limited due to weather impacts.  Many City services remain available online. 

    Owen Sound Transit (OST) has suspended service for the day due to adverse weather conditions. Riders are encouraged to watch the Transit App for updates. At this time, GOST Transit services remain unaffected but please monitor the GOST website for any updates.  

    Garbage and recycling collection for the East Side Tuesday route has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 22, 2025. 

  • Words stating that a significant weather event has been declared
    Significant Weather Event Declared

    Due to the impact of current and forecasted weather conditions on the City’s Road and sidewalk infrastructure, the City of Owen Sound has declared a Significant Weather Event that will remain in effect until further notice.

    The declaration of a significant weather event is not a notice of a reduced level of service or a road closure. It is intended to notify the public that caution must be observed when travelling on city-maintained roads. Restoring the roads to optimal conditions may take longer than usual.

  • Sidewalk snow plow with words reminding people not to park overnight on the street in the winter
    Downtown Excess Snow Removal Reminder!

    Excess snow removal operations will begin in Owen Sound’s downtown River District area tomorrow, Wednesday, January 15, at 8 p.m.  The work is expected to be completed by early Thursday morning.

    City staff will remove excess snow and accumulated piles to improve safety and accessibility for vehicles and pedestrians.  This removal is above and beyond the usual winter maintenance of plowing streets and sidewalks.  Snowbanks will be hauled to designated snow disposal sites where they can safely be stored and, later, melt without causing issues.

  • Notice of Public Meeting on January 27 and Intention to Pass a By-law to Adopt the 2025 Budget on February 24 

    Please be advised that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound intends to hold a Public Meeting on January 27, 2025, and pass a by-law to adopt the 2025 Budget on February 24, 2025.

  • Savour Owen Sound 2025 Call to Restaurants 

    Owen Sound Tourism is gearing up for the 12th annual Savour Owen Sound event and is looking for local food venues to participate in this highly anticipated event!  

    Please register here and add your food establishment to the Savour Owen Sound 2025 Restaurant Line-up. The deadline to register is Thursday, February 7th. 

  • Public Notice of Special Committee of Adjustment Meeting & Rescheduling of January Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 

    Please be advised that the Committee of Adjustment will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 28 at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The purpose of the special meeting is to hold hearings respecting five (5) applications. 


    The January 15 meeting of the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. 

  • People skating on Good Cheer rink which is Open
    Good Cheer Rink at Harrison Park Opens Today!

    The Good Cheer Rink at Harrison Park is open to the public, as of 12 p.m. today! The hours of operation are dawn until 10 p.m. daily. 

    The H.O.S.E. rule promotes safety and enjoyment for everyone. 

    HOCKEY on ODD calendar days.

    SKATING on EVEN calendar days. 

  • Public Notice: Operations Committee January Meeting Cancelled 

    Please be advised that the Operations Committee Meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. has been cancelled.  

    The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. 

Contact Us

808 2nd Avenue East,
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2H4
Phone: 519-376-1440
Email us

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